"Something's Up" In America's Big Berg
Selected Poems from The Alaska Mystery Collection
and The Tree Series
by Paula Marie Rose
As my own government appears to have no interest in hiring me, and might be part of the problem, and not the problem solver; I feel free to offer my services to another country. Not as a Spy; I'm not exactly stealth, but I am an outstanding Administrative Assistant. I enjoy international travel, and with the USD falling into the abyss against the Euro; it seemed like a grand idea to board the foreign train and work abroad. Choo Chooooo!!
I did send my resume to one Ambassador whose country I am interested in learning more about, and have yet to visit. So far, no reply. Perhaps my resume is lacking?
I have no real preference, and am equally available to be employed by any country. I wrote several Personals Ads in my increasingly popular rhythmic style; to be certain that all were aware of my availability. It's an open schmooze session, and a perfect forum to check each other out. Response level was satisfactory, but no job offers.
One of the "Leaves" had already mentioned the international link first, so I knew my international scope of certain subjects was right on with the first ad I wrote back in November 2007. I wrote and published on Craigslist London personals on April 13, 2008, the poem entitled "The UK Tree." Response was lighter than anticipated, and the quality wasn't impressive, but I really hadn't expected James Bond or his stand in, to pop into my mailbox for coffee and a chat up, or dinner and a do. (click here for Poem # 37 The UK Tree)
Alaska was a young territory back in the 1930's when my Grandparents (both deceased now) arrived in Juneau. I heard stories from both of them about the early days, and a few whispers of bootleg boozers and skirt suppliers running their shows under the cover of darkness, ice, and snow.
After all, if the Mob was involved in building the framework of Alaska as rumored; I wanted to be certain to give them equal time. When various hands are passing off fistfuls of blame in the direction of another; I've found that asking my own questions can add a new dimension to the layers of lies, or foundations of facts. A Yellow Pages search listing for Mob came up flat; which was expected. From what I've heard, most people aren't looking for a Mob contact, and most don't want one looking for them. Posting on the Los Angeles, CA and Las Vegas, NV Craigslist Personals for the first two poems was an ideal venue for scouting knowledgeable sources. A few replies were of interest.
Of course, there is much, much more, but I like to start at the top and ask my own questions; so I later wrote and published a few poems addressed to the Italian Tree.
The days of Al Capone are long past; so I took a ladylike approach and suggested the Italian Tree send a car for me one evening in January. (Click here for Poem # 16 A Tree Grew Large in Italy.) This particular poem was "flagged and bagged" which means removed by Craigslist shortly after I posted it. I took the high road, and posted another poem the next day, some of the content is the same, but I assume the words 'weapons and firearms' are what cause it to be flagged the first time. (Click here for Poem # 17 "Italian Tree, did you see")
I was in the parking lot at the hour of 7:00 o'clock. There was an expensive car with darkened windows idling within the lot, and not in a designated parking space. I saw it, and it saw me, but as no person opened the door or invited me to get inside; I didn't approach it. After a few minutes, I returned to my room, changed shoes, and went for a long walk.
According to the movies, having good manners and a sense of decorum are important to the Italian Tree. If that car was waiting for me, and sent by it; most likely, the Driver would have been silently holding the door for me. Miscommunication could have occurred, and I wrote and posted #19 Tree Branches Move, and publicly rescheduled with #24 A Variety of Trees. Judging by the parking lot activity on the 2nd scheduled evening; I'd say the Italian Tree had received and acknowledged my invitation, dinner conversation was not required.
I am still available to discuss topics of mutual interest, at the convenience of the Italian Tree.
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