"Something's Up" In America's Big Berg
Selected Poems from The Alaska Mystery Collection
and The Tree Series
by Paula Marie Rose
Nov. 15, 2012. REMINDER: All new updates for 2010 and forward are posted under DAILY ITEMS AND UPDATES IN THE NEW DECADE section. Access it through the link in yellow below, or from the sidebar on the left, near the bottom of the chapter titles. And be sure to read through the new chapters.
New Year's Day, 2010
Bookmark the new Daily Items and Updates in the New Decade page.
December 19, 2009. Human nature and agendas are fascinating, as any "shrink wrap" can agree. When folks outside of Alaska, or those in my current circle who know me ask, " So, just what exactly was it that folks up there are trying to hide?" I usually reply "Plenty!" And the conversation takes off.
Astute folks down here in the "Lower 48", and those who have an "outside" perspective, say to me "HHHHhhhhmmmm. Those friends and family of yours sure are tryin' to make you look bad. And that attorney was really reaching! What is it that you know, and they don't want the rest of the world to know?" or, "They're hiding sumthin' ugly up there, and it isn't you."
Yes, I have to agree. As someone said to me: "When one finger is pointing in any direction, three are pointing back."
December 17, 2009. Hello to my new Alaskan readers from Juneau, Anchorage, and Kenai. Great to see so many folks having a looksee around the site. Also a recent surge of interest according to the site traffic numbers, from the Ukraine, Russia, and Argentina. I'm sure there's a reason for folks around the globe being interested in the happenings of Juneau; question is, would that be interest in past events happening in the Big Berg, or current?
Link to background info. on the Ukraine from the CIA Factbook.
December 7, 2009. A friend and I were recently discussing cops killed in the line of duty. I remembered hearing about the shooting of Donald Dull when I was a kid, and thought it was a rather odd story. My grampa taught me how to shoot and proper firearms safety. Target accuracy was never my strong point, so I can't imagine anyone being shot in the head by accident by someone who presumably was well trained in firearms handling. Just another tragic accident, Alaska style.
November 25, 2009. Happy Thanksgiving! I watched on YouTube.com the following link to a very entertaining spy movie from the 1960's. Those who know me know that I watch little TV and fewer movies. Something has to grip me before I'll log time in front of it. The Multi-Trillion Dollar Heist that the US Taxpayer will have to pay for is in our near future. (Just wait 'til all those fees, taxes, ObamaCare, and the Afghan War Tax hit your wallet.) With the price of gold moving north at a rapid pace, to just under $1200 per ounce, "The Wrecking Crew" from 1968 popped up on my radar screen. It is the story of a billion dollar gold heist, featuring hot rods and hotter broads. While we are living in another asset bubble in the making, and the collapse of the USD, "Tulips for Two Thousand!" came to mind. Can't you see that Jeopardy Board? History repeats, circa 1635 or there abouts.
November 11, 2009. A very gracious Thank You to all of our Veterans. I cannot thank you enough for your service to our country. I appreciate your service. GOD Bless the New Amerika. As a Vet from WWII said to me the other day, "This isn't the America or the United States that I grew up in, or fought for." He is 87, and very wise.
October 28, 2009. I'm stunned at how much interest that my story "Run, Tara, Run!" has generated. I've been quite busy with other commitments so I haven't uploaded much to that website as yet. More to follow! Thanks to all of you for having a look. I hope that you enjoy that story as much as you have enjoyed "Frozen Fiefdom".
As someone coined the term "The Truth Is Out There."
October 18, 2009. Thanks, Yahoo! My website http://www.runtararun.com is now functioning well and live. I'll be adding more content to it as I have time, Readers.
October 6, 2009. Once again, I see a rehash of Old News being spun as "breaking news" by the media, including my fav source, the Drudge Report. His link to a UK paper headlining "ARABS PLOT TO DROP DOLLAR" is so 2006, or prior, but Shor Nuf did get the pony running for the US markets today; perhaps in a show of solidarity? I have an email from December 8, 2007 where I emailed a friend a copy of the Dow Jones story on this same topic. Same #(%&, different year; kinda makes ya wonder what's up, don't it? Email me if you'd like to read the Dow Jones article, as I haven't asked for reprint permission. And might I add, the market run up today was on low volume. Gold is another matter: In June of 2007, I recall a conversation where I said that Gold reached $1200 per ounce, in November. Until just a few weeks ago, I thought that Gold had topped at $1200 per ounce in November 2007, until I checked the charts. Apparently, not yet, and didn't I miss that market move! Oh well, might as well ride that one to $1200, and beyond. I believe my last outlook was edging toward 2k, but I'm not a broker or an advisor so make your own decision.
There has been quite a few folks searching the net recently for information on Cindy Elrod, who access this site, and want to know more. It's really looking promising as one of those "Unsolved Murders" which will soon be solved.
September 17, 2009. I'm amazed at the number and variety of new readers! Most notably are the branches of the Big Tree which continue to expand; just this week the State Department and the Federal Reserve have popped in for a browse, joining the prestigious line up of former visitors which includes all branches of the military, the Administrative Office of the US Court System, the US Postal Service, a couple of government national laboratories, several foreign governments, major newspapers, hedge funds, major universities, law schools, several state offices, major distributors, and a film production company, to name only a few. Plenty of ordinary folks continue to visit the site also, and I'm pleased to see all of you.
Read the true history of the Federal Reserve in the non fiction story of "The Creature From Jekyll Island" available from your local library or : http://www.realityzone.com/creature.html
and in fairness, you may visit Uncle Ben's official site at:
You'll never again question how your 401k dropped to a 101k; preplanned, predetermined, and highly executed. And how's that working for ya now? Being as it might be back to a 201.5k? Feel the wealth....Slip Sliding Away?
One of my many popular and poetic personals ads was also rather foretelling. And while my two sisters Anna Sanders, and Gail Sanders, both claimed to be somehow "tuned in" to the workings of the Universe (called Wand Waving in our family vernacular), and I don't; you've gotta admit, "Man! How Psychic Was That?"
From January 30, 2008:
I'll take my share, from your leaves.
There are many ways to make money,
some are mysterious, like how a bee makes honey.
The Fed has said, because the markets have been red,
today is yet another day to give the almighty dollar away!!
They did vote to lower the rate, to clear the gloom,
one would presume; around our economy as of late.
Or is it a preliminary way to clear the room, of negative thinking
and skeptical minds?
Perhaps a small and important move as part of the plan to lower the boom,
prior to a well orchestrated and crashing zoom, to a bottom
selectively defined?
Please do give me your report, who is holding the dollar short?
SWF, tall, fit, black hair, blue/green eyes, some say "beautiful,"
challenges your mind. a.k.a. The "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress"
Copyright 2008 Paula M. Rose
What is it about "Frozen Fiefdom" that has such a cross section of folks so interested? I can speculate, but all who have visited this site know why they chose to visit, and what they were looking for. If it isn't here yet, it will be in good time. Or perhaps it will be revealed in the teaser to: Run, Tara, Run!"
Read the intro page and bookmark the website for "Run, Tara, Run!"
September 12, 2009. During the June 2007 "interview", I was asked about what I thought or knew about the 9 11 incident. Prior to that "interview", I hadn't much of an opinion other than it was an enormous tragedy. During a visit to NYC with Shannon McCormick in either 2004 or 2005, she wanted to visit the site of the former twin towers, which I thought a rather ghoulish sightseeing trip, and should have passed on going. It was not an experience I would repeat. The following European produced documentary on the 9 11 attack clearly and scientifically states that the official explanation is seriously flawed.
The link isn't working through this website, so go to google.com, type in or copy and paste into a new browser window:
September 3, 2009. Sounds as if everyone is enjoying the current email format I've been using to keep readers updated. If you'd like to be added, send me an email and I'll put you to the list. Your information will not be visible to or shared with others.
Added a new bit of information to section "An Unsolved Murder?" After 26 years, many folks are still very much interested in finding out who killed Cindy Elrod. Email me any information, articles, or comments.
Some of the artists might be interested in my site: http://www.wizardofwoo.com
July 24, 2009. Someone asked me recently: "So what started all this, and why did you create this site?" I'll pass the wand back to the letter from September 19, 2008 from Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney at Law, from Juneau, Alaska. As one might guess, his over the top statements and ridiculous claims about me fell quite short of the mark, and he was making stuff up about me and not highlighting my positive side. Yup. You guessed it. He was hired by my former spouse to write those words, and seemed to take it to a new level on his very own. Most ordinary folks who have reviewed my website would not have had the same interpretation of the sections which Mr. Grant seems to have read. His being an attorney and all, one might feel a bit less educated and perhaps not able to interpret my written words correctly. No? Yes, that's what I thought also. His twist of my words was deliberate, and he was attempting to intimidate me. Gosh! Isn't "intimidation" considered to be an act of terrorism? Under today's laws? It doesn't need to be Al Qaida specific; how 'bout Al Alaska style? And my reply was in line, but not as comprehensive as it should have been. No worries; when my daughter is 18, she'll be more than able to read both sides, and between the lines.
Bottom Line: You Pay For What You Get. And You Get What You Pay For. Read his first letter to me under here, just click
June 23, 2009. Hello to my new readers, and site traffic continues to climb. Thanks to everyone for your continued good wishes. Several projects are keeping me busy, and I am unable to reply to you individually. Improved the links under June 8, 2009, and have exhausted my supply of large posters. A good supply of the business cards are still available, send an SASE with 44 cents postage on a standard envelope. See other items available under "Love Offering Special..." section, supplies are limited!
Request your own copy of that bogus LAPD Missing Persons report filed on me by my sister and Former Alaska State Trooper Anna Kathryn Sanders. It'll enhance your bathroom wall as nicely as it does mine. A certified piece of crap viewable from the crapper! Pass the time on the throne while speculating on how and why that gig was set up, and why Anna dropped the ball and never reported me as "back to base", after her made up charade was apparently called off. All that reading and thinking oughta clear your colon of the toughest case of constipation.
Get yours today! Autographed upon request. See my mailing address under "Love Offering Specials..."
June 8, 2009. There's always somethin' doin' in the Big Berg. And something being hidden, if not flat out covered up. As the bumpersticker which was popular back in the 70's throughout the state read: "WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN HOW THEY DO IT OUTSIDE", seems to continue to be the mantra of many, I'll cash in on it by using it in context here. Heads Up! Outside can't get enough of what was shakin' in the berg; then, and now. Who's paranoid now? We're lookin' at you, babe!
Sing along to "Dirty Laundry" and then pray to God that I don't haul out yours in full public view. I've a full hometown compost pile to finish sifting before moving the backhoe. As an adult used to say when I was young, and the topics of crime and corruption came up in an overhead conversation, "Small towns are the worst!".
Shor do seem to be true, based on my information.
I've been putting together a soundtrack for "Frozen Fiefdom" and "Run,Tara, Run!" which are separate, but equally compelling stories. Are both True? That may be up to you! I've watched "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and know how much enthusiastic audience participation can enhance the experience. Y'all will know many of the featured songs. Sing loudly, my sweets. Or just tell The Truth, and share your story...email me with your tips and thoughts about those good old days in the Big Berg. paula@frozenfiefdom.com
I'm all for Boz Scaggs singing "Lowdown", and am publicly casting my vote for it to become the new state song for Alaska.
I've been busy working on another old story which was recently brought to my attention. As expected within such a small population as Alaska has, the tentacles of the story touch someone I know. When more details can be triple checked, and verified, I expect to be sharing the entire "Dirty Lowdown", complete with names, titles, and the who dunnits. May some RIP, and those others sweat like boozers in a wood fired sauna. No, this story isn't about me. But you might recognize at least one of the parties featured.
How's that again? Your friends, relatives, neighbors, and perhaps elected or appointed officials? OMG!
It's True! Isn't it?
And I have no idea why I still recall Reba MacIntire singing "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" other than it was popular in the early 70's when I was young, and I asked my parents "Why would adults Kill each other?"
I don't recall if they answered, or not.
May 16, 2009. For those who are pro se litigants, the reality is: you most likely won't win without an attorney. A timeless statement that I've heard since an early age. Unfortunately, if you can't afford one, or can't find one who is willing to work for you, DIY is the only option.
Knowledge is power, and expectations should match reality.
Your upper hand is the power of the internet, and being able to publish your side of the story, in context and in conjunction with all the ridiculous words spewed forth by the opposing party(ies).
It's astonishing to me that a licensed legal professional can concoct a wheelbarrow full of lies, speculation, conjecture, and personal opinion; yet attempt to pass it off as "the truth". It appears that ordinary folks can also, and have. It's apparently legal to do so, at least in Alaska; so forewarned is forearmed.
The upside is: I'm a tech tard, and YAHOO site solution is a very simple software to use. If I can do it, you can also. Email me if you have questions, need TA, etc.
May 15, 2009. I have been reminded that I still have much content to post. I'm currently busy with other projects, so it might be awhile before they are added. International hits have really risen on this site recently, and from the major US media. Glad to see you!
Readers who are interested in some of the items noted as incomplete sections, or have noticed something else, email me and I'll email you directly. Scanning and posting takes too much time, now that I'm working on "Run, Tara, Run!"
i.e., the hearing notes (which are woefully incomplete, but interesting in the transcribed form, and those I will post later). I thought that court transcribed notes were verbatim, but those I have aren't even close. Those I received appear to be the words and impressions of the court typist. The decision of the judge about allowing this website to remain online, other documents which I might have mentioned, but didn't yet post, etc. the previously Confidential report from the Child Custody Investigator which was suddenly OK for all eyes, and is now part of the public record, as Mr. Grant chose to offer the CCI's report as "evidence" during the hearing.
Although the court deemed it to be a thorough report, in my opinion it was superficial and didn't address the sweeping inconsistencies, false statements, inaccuracies, etc. which were in the written affidavits. I think that my emails between the CCI and I are much more interesting, and highlight the lack of a full investigation and proper attention to conflicting details. Those which she collected or interpreted from the words of others either don't add up, or conflict with my version of some points. Apparently, the words of the majority rule, even when they false, inaccurate, misleading, or only based on personal opinion, speculation, or conjecture. I deal with facts, and when I asked them to be provided by the CCI or others; the silence was an answer in itself.
Sample questions: You might want to ask Valerie Brittina Rose how she could possibly know what I was wearing, eating, driving, doing; when she and I were either 1,800 to 2,000 miles or so apart?
You might want to ask Anna Kathryn Sanders why she failed to inform the LAPD branch that I "was back" to the location that she had deemed me missing from, and when that alleged event had occurred, as Anna's voice mail to me of November 10, 2007 states clearly that she couldn't recall much about "any report" or where she had filed it. And Anna has yet to provide anyone with any gone missing, then returned (and in what form and manner) dates.
Holy cow! I want a pair of finely tuned contact lenses as Valerie must have been wearing which enabled her to see me in Los Angeles, CA while she was in Juneau, AK or Pensacola, FL! The CCI chose not to answer many of my verbal questions about such statements by others or me, made either verbally or within the affidavits she reviewed to make her report. We can all agree that affidavits are suppose to contain truthful statements, but when they contain incredible statements, or words which are inaccurate, hearsay, or false; wouldn't a reasonable person wanna dig a bit deeper?
You'd think so, but from my lifelong experience of pointing out the obvious, most folks don't want to bother with the real issue; it's much easier to take everything as presented and to ignore my helpful hints.
And why bother with the confidential label, if either party can choose to have it listed as evidence? If the words of all parties interviewed, and as written, are truthful and accurate, then it shouldn't be a secret. As I point out in my rebuttal statement, some statements in the report were not accurate.
EXAMPLE: A statement by the CCI: "This case was brought before the court because of concerns that Ms. Rose is suffering from mental illness which could be detrimental to Claire during times of unsupervised visitation."
False. I filed the paperwork on October 2, 2008 with the Alaska Court System because Eric William Swanson had failed to comply with the terms of the 2006 Child Custody Agreement.
The mental illness label seems to be a convenient one to use, especially by Alaskans, who are either past and present residents. I don't mind what opinion anyone might have of me, but I do take a dim view when they lie about something which will directly affect me.
You have the idea. Read it, and let me know what your take is.
As someone pointed out "You're an Outsider now. And when enough sing the same song, it's the volume that counts."
I had marked my rebuttal statements as confidential, as I thought that was the appropriate procedure, but all cards have been laid, so email me if you there's anything in particular that you either like posted, or emailed to you (email is much quicker, as I have them available in email format.)
The "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" which was supposed to be a summary of the judge's opinion, was in fact written by Mr. Paul H. Grant. That appears to be a standard procedure, but I don't recall him volunteering during the hearing to write up the summary, or being granted the authority to write on behalf of the judge. Nor do I recall being asked if I wanted to write the summary, or did I object to his doing so. The telephone connection wasn't always clear, and neither were the speakers, so I could have missed some dialog. The copy signed by the judge, which appears to be the same material as the draft form I had received from Mr. Grant, has the same pen and ink correction as the unsigned copy he sent to me several days previously, nor did it contain precisely what was said in court.
All together now: "Good Enough for Government Work!"
Of course, it was Mr. Grant's spin on the hearing which was presented in the "Findings...", but the judge did sign off on it as being her words, and opinions. The contents are not exactly what I heard during the hearing, or what others did either. So email me if you want a copy of the actual hearing; especially the ending. Oh, yes. There's much more.
Mr. Grant did omit the part where the judge had generously complimented both Eric and me for raising the apparently well balanced daughter (and she is all that and so much more!) that we share. Nor was that statement (among many others which were also omitted) in the formal written transcript. A friend and I will review the audio CD soon, and perhaps it will be a true and accurate recording.
Bottom line: send me an email for whatever you're interested in that I haven't posted. It'll all be included in the printed form, a.k.a. the book. Use paula@frozenfiefdom.com or any of the other email addresses for me you see on this site.
May 7, 2009. Read the brief preview under the section "Run, Tara, Run!" and send me your feedback.
May 6, 2009. A window into the future. I've been bearish during this current stock runup since the March 6, 2009 so called "bottom," and have been mostly in cash on the sidelines, as the reality of the world economic situation reported in the media and hyped on financial channels doesn't match with what I see in my life and travels. The link to an article follows which matches some predictions I made in 2007, and at other times during the last 5 years or so. As I am known for saying: "I wasn't wrong, I was just early."
From SeekingAlpha.com, a worst case scenario.
May 6, 2009. Here's a link to the A&E Network board where someone posted a comment about Cindy Elrod, in 2006. Click on the link below, and on the Blue sentence inside it.
Cinco de Mayo, 2009. I'm amazed at the number of folks around the country, and many from the Berg, who continue to be interested in the murder of Cindy Elrod. They arrive at my site via internet searches, and some who have emailed me have had some interesting thoughts or comments. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and I enjoy hearing from you all.
May 3, 2009. After posting information on the Yahoo message board about ol' Merlin and his magical money moves over at Bank of America, it was no surprise to me that the share prices moved higher. Pump, Pump, then Fleece the bagholders!
See how Merlin is still packing my fully paid balance from 2007 on their books. Creative accounting like you've never seen!
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE April 18, 2009 printout
I'm also looking for information on who might have seen the hit and run to my ride on either May 1 or May 2, 2009. One of my doors was bashed in, and no note or information was left by the person who did it, other than plenty of white paint from their vehicle.
Nice going, Jackass!
You know me, Readers. I could use my insurance to pay for it, but in these tight times, DIY is called for whenever possible. And it's about time that I remove my door panels to see exactly why others have done so previously, and without my permission or advance knowledge. It'll be an interesting Sunday afternoon project for a friend and me.
April 30, 2009. See newest section "Love Offering" Specials!..."
On an unrelated but newsworthy item, the WHO has dropped the term "swine flu" and is using the technical name instead. Too bad they didn't use the term coined on a talk radio show I heard the other day of "Dracula Flu", where folks sneeze into the bend of their elbow to prevent spraying their hands with droplets. I laughed heartily at that visual, and term.
April 23, 2009. Abductee? Not me! Sorry to disappoint some, and to disprove the possible "premonition" which Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney At Law, wrote of in his letter to me of September 19, 2008. ET didn't stop by for a chat and a brew, this trip or on any other of mine, but there were plenty of other strange lights, and flights, to observe.
The Death Valley and NV, Area 51 trip was fascinating. Some additional photos and comments are now available under "The Big Government Cookie Jar..." section. I'll be posting more later tonight.
Earthdate April 4, 2009. It's that time of year! Death Valley is blooming and not yet too hot to visit, and The Big Government Cookie Jar, a.k.a. Area 51, is right next door. (See new section added with the same title.)
I'll be out of traditional means of communication for the next several days, while a friend and I do some photoing and exploring. If you really need to find me, try sending a smoke signal, flashing of pocket mirrors, or use a flashlight at night. Those methods worked for the Indians, and the CIA, in Alaska and across the USA.
If I don't return, perhaps the statement in the September 19, 2008 letter to me from Mr. Paul H. Grant could be considered as a "premonition" on his part? His words, from page 2: "You seem to believe that you were abducted and questioned by aliens." (see section "Eric's Legal Beagle Wears an MD Tag.")
Which was his incorrect interpretation of my cleverly crafted chapter entitled "Area 51. UFO's are Real."
Geez Louise! I hope his level of reading comprehension has improved, as no interstellar or in person communications have taken place between ET and Paula Marie, to date. I find it to be very obnoxious and annoying when people put words in my mouth, make up lies about me, or misquote me. Usually, they end up sucking on their own toes, and I stand tall, smelling like a rose.
March 31, 2009. New material added under "When Folks Don't Reply..." section, and that same information is also posted under "When Folks Don't Reply..." section.
March 23, 2009. See new material under "Post Hearing Notes..." section, and interest is rising in "Run, Tara, Run!"
March 17, 2009. Added new section "Run,Tara, Run!"..." and corrected the dates on the letters to B of A in my narrative under "When Folks Don't Reply..." as I had misread my copy until I put on my reading glasses. Life over 40! :)
March 16, 2009. Update the section "Shrink Wrap This!..." and I shall also be making other revisions to some of the legal documents which have my address.
March 13, 2009. The hearing today went as expected; Man! How Psychic Is That? I think there are other avenues and courses of action that I may choose to pursue, or I can spend the next 3 years writing, photographing subjects of interest, and getting on with other opportunities. My daughter is doing well in school and in her other activities; there will be plenty of time for us to catch up, when our relationship is allowed to have the freedom it has been denied. She will be 18 years old by then, and will have a much broader view of world and the people in it.
Countless thanks to those who have done what they could, and have offered to do even more. Your good wishes and support mean much to me.
March 12, 2009. Tomorrow shall bring "The Hour of Decision" (remember that old Billy Graham radio program?) by the Judge, rather than by God. Have a look at my latest website http://www.runtararun.com. Do you know where Tara is?
March 11, 2009. Added more content to "When Folks Don't Reply..." section. I'm busy reading through the information on hearings on the Alaska Court System website. The staff in the Anchorage Self Help Center office have been very helpful, as have the Juneau Court office staff. I appreciate all of the assistance and support that I have received.
March 10, 2009. Happy Birthday to me! Yes, really. I'm a true FOB of 45, and still alive. Amazing to some, I'm sure. In 1964, Alaska experienced a major earthquake. In 2009, the Big Berg is highlighted in "Frozen Fiefdom," which appears to be as explosive as an erupting volcano. No doubt it'll make any burp by Mt. Redoubt look like a glowing lava lamp in a head shop.
But wait, there's more! Who's it all about? What they did, and to what they swore? Now is time to even the score; who's threatened knocking might be at the door?
In whose hand is that smoking gun? Who did what in or around 1971? What were the weapons used? Blades or guns? Read all about it in "Run, Tara, Run!"
Adding a new section "When Folks Don't Reply..." which shall contain some of my more recent requests to people and organizations, etc.
Many thanks to everyone for your continued support and good wishes.
March 6, 2009. As we all watch the major indices implode, and President Obama speak about the dismal (and way underestimated unemployment figures), I found this laugh of the day on the Yahoo message board for SRS (an ETF which is a double short ETF tied into the currently cratering commercial real estate market.)
February 27, 2009. While researching mental health matters and the Alaska Psychiatric Institute (API), I found a comprehensive and detailed website by James B. Gottstein, a prominent attorney in Alaska. Mr. Gottstein has allowed me to provide a link to his site:
February 17, 2009. Added recent emails with Gail under
"Frozen Fiefdom, 2009..."
I had another review of the Missing Persons report that Anna Sanders filed on me with a branch of LAPD. I won't be posting it at this time because it does have some names of the Officers who handled the report on it. The form has a box for "Mental Condition" with the examples of (good, poor, etc) and the word "Good" is handwritten in. In the section of "Person Reporting Disappearance" (signature) is the abbreviation of "OFCR" with Relationship of "Sister". My sister Gail confirmed during a phone conversation this weekend, that Anna had played the cop card when filing the MP report. Apparently, Anna didn't feel it was necessary to clarify that she had resigned from the Alaska State Troopers approximately eight (8) Years previously! Impersonating an officer isn't ever a good idea, nor is it necessary to claim to be one if you want to file an MP report on someone. Also noteworthy is that my cell phone number is listed, and no phone call from any branch of LAPD was received by me; nor did they leave a voice mail. Of course, it is possible that they might have phoned me but experienced technical interference of my phone service?
And in the Affidavit of my brother, Mark Andrew Sanders, he states that a particular Detective (who shall remain unnamed by me) "...called me because I was an alternate contact,.." appears to be a false statement. The copy of the MP report I have doesn't list Mark Sanders or his contact information. And although I had repeatedly asked Mark Sanders to provide me with information about this MP report, such as dates, etc., he never did. ("See Emails To / From Mark" section.)
February 12, 2009. Another busy week! After reading the CCI's report over the weekend, I learned that the proper way to reply with my Objections to their findings, conclusions, and some statements, is to use Form SHC-1635. Signed, sealed, and on the way to being delivered. Their report and my reply are considered Confidential, so I won't be posting them. I have the feeling that my paperwork won't be making a significant difference, but it's rather like a Lottery, "You can't win if you don't play", and the same with my dissatisfaction of what appears to be an Order about the TD Ameritrade matter. There's a form and a process for some of what travels through the legal system; available online to all when certain things don't sound quite right, or satisfy your purposes. It's all about knowing how to maneuver, manipulate, and outfox your opponents. Telling the Truth shouldn't be second string. Keep it clean, use facts, specify, clarify, and state your position. Game On!
Many readers arrive at this website via search engines while seeking information on the Murder of Cindy Elrod. I've asked my self proclaimed "psychic" sister, Gail Sanders, to "tune in" and get a read on that situation, or a name. Ordinary folks want answers, instead of another "cold case" in the Big Berg. See more under "Frozen Fiefdom, 2009: The Hot Story..." section.
February 5, 2009. Experiencing technical difficulties with this site.
February 4, 2009. Added new material under "The Broken Property Settlement..." section and corrected a few typos. Also corrected the date below to 2009. I spoke with the Child Custody Investigator this AM, and while I disagree with the overview of the opinion and recommendations they chose to write in their report, I'm not surprised. What I do find astonishing is that the inaccuracies and false statements made by others in their affidavits appears to be no big deal; even when I produced emails proving their statements were false, that their affidavits contained conflicting material (the parties couldn't get their own story straight), and my version of the story, or other data (emails from another sister who states she knew that I was never missing) apparently wasn't considered to be important.
I haven't yet read their report, and I don't take their verbal recap of their recommendations personally. Limited information and conflicting stories surely must have been a pile to sift through. I deal with facts, and when the facts aren't clear, I ask questions. When the statements of others don't add up or conflict with what another person says is true or factual; I ask more questions, and provide documentation, whenever possible. It certainly does limit my popularity, but finding the Truth is much more important. Alaska does have a modern legal system, and when one is dissatisfied, there are ways and means to move things up the ladder.
The CCI in Juneau, AK, did mail me a copy of the Missing Persons report, faxed to them from the local LAPD branch, which was filed by Anna Sanders, my sister living in Florida, then, and now. It should be noted that none of the people I had repeatedly asked to provide a copy of the report, or details about it would do so, and my checking with LAPD database and email inquiry had previously come up with no report listed.
I went to the local station and asked a few questions. California law requires that Police file a Missing Person report on any person who is reported missing. Of course, that doesn't mean that I was "missing", it only proves that the Police had filled out a form because someone made a report. There are notations of checks with area hospitals, coroner, and what appears to be a DMV check. The Officer I spoke with had no additional information, either about the Officer whose name is on the report, or if the case was still active, closed, a stiff logged, or the MP was "returned to base".
And how unusual that Former Alaska State Trooper Anna Kathryn Sanders, whose name appears as the person filing the report, apparently didn't follow through and let the police know to halt the operation, whenever she had determined that I was no longer MIA. Goodness! All that furor and excitement, stress and anxiety that my family must have been experiencing! Anna must have been so overcome with emotional upheaval; guilt?, then relief?, that she forgot to phone the cops and give the "No Milk Carton Profile Necessary" order. And then she couldn't recall any details about it when I asked her. Funny how none of my family members, including Anna, or former friends would ever give me the actual dates that they claim I was "missing", the general range was "sometime in July or August of 2007". The MP report does have a date and time in the "last seen" box, but doesn't say by whom. The actual filing date was a few days later. I don't keep a daily calendar of my life, but the dates on the report have no special significance to me. Just another sunny day living life in L.A.! My whereabouts during that time frame Shor Nuf musta been important to "Somebody".
I won't be posting the MP report with my name on it at this time, to keep the name of the Officer private, and until I have my Fam and others answer a few more questions during my cross examination during the March 13, 2009 hearing in Juneau, Alaska.
January 25, 2009. I had a pleasant and informative phone interview with the Child Custody Investigator earlier this week. The exchanges were moderately surprising, on both sides. We exchanged information, as they had something I wasn't officially aware of. I provided much more verbally, and since then, more specific details and information in writing. This CCI might not have had much experience in the Alaska Court System, but they could be new to it, as am I. Several questions which I had, they have been unable to answer, or perhaps are not allowed to. I haven't heard back, but I'm certain that the CCI hadn't been fully informed of all quirks and oddities of the Fam. And even tho I'm not an official investigator or journalist, I know how valuable it is to ask your own questions, and to keep digging. There's a dead body somewhere. Selective disclosure seems to rule; the information the CCI had appeared to be limited. I suggested that they ask the sources as to why they wrote or said what they had. I don't claim to read minds, and people are responsible for backing up their own statements. You know me, Readers! I raise ships others thought were barnacle barracks. See my additions under
Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Jan. 21, 2009. Experiencing some technical difficulties with the site. Will add the new section "Broken Property Settlement Agreement: Whose Hand Was In My Wallet?"
Jan. 20, 2009 the mail in the box was truly worthy of its own section. View Eric William Swanson's version of how he justifies his actions in my TD AMERITRADE account. I'm posting his Affidavit only at this time, to give the Court and TD AMERITRADE time to have a more complete review. Eric's Legal Beagle has again misread and misinterpreted my original Motion on this topic, which was expected. Dogs shake themselves repeatedly, but their coats remain wet.
January 12, 2009. I received on Jan. 9, 2009 Mr. Grant's response to my reply to his Motion posted under "Howl, Howl, Read All About It!" I haven't yet posted my first response to that Motion, nor his reply dated Jan. 6, 2009, as I shall be composing a Round Two reply. If I read the Court System website correctly, the Judge doesn't see any materials or Motions until both sides have completed the Motion and Reply process; looks like we all have plenty to say, so I'll wait to post the documents until they've touched down on the desk of the Judge. Apparently, Motions can be in a holding pattern for several months, which sort of explains why I haven't yet received any Court reply to my Motions of October 2, 2008, and November 7, 2008. My Motion for Christmas 2008 visitation was requested by me to have Expedited Review, and did receive that consideration. I have also filed a Motion on December 30, 2008 regarding the TD AMERITRADE account that I received during our 2006 Property Settlement Agreement, and the September 2008 actions and transactions which Eric made in my account. Not sure how long that Motion will take to process, or when the hearing will be scheduled.
January 2, 2009. Experiencing technical difficulties with my Dell, and internet provider. New Year, same old PC story! See new section "Frozen Fiefdom, 2009:..."
December 26, 2008. Added the Motion under "BAH HUMBUG..." and added my December 8, 2008 letter under "Shrink Wrap This!..." section.
December 22, 2008. Made more corrections / additions to the Dec. 18 paragraphs, as some of the original content must have been lost in cyberspace, as the previous corrections didn't all come thru. Working on the Motion which will be submitted to have Eric justify his September 2008 actions in my AMERITRADE account, which was a violation of our 2006 Property Settlement Agreement. TD AMERITRADE staff are apparently curious as to the outcome, and I'm still locked out of my account, because Eric also changed the password in September and refused to give it to me. Nice!
December 19, 2008. Corrected a few statements and added a few to Dec. 18. I'm also working on two of my other stories, CAMELYACHT and Run, Tara, Run!
December 18, 2008. This site is experiencing technical difficulties. I was unable to load my 2nd request to Dr. Elaine Schroeder, as the self and otherwise proclaimed "Therapist" of my daughter, Claire, by Dr. Schroeder's own words which are in her Affidavit, and that of Mr. Grant. No records of any "counseling sessions" or other viable information of such "sessions" have been received by me, even though I have asked to have Ms. / Dr. Schroeder send them to me. Somehow, that just doesn't add up. What do you think about that, Readers? And I have chosen to not yet post my most recent Motion to the Court, wherein I requested that Eric and Claire travel to the Los Angeles area during Christmas Break 2008, so that I may have access to my visitation of her. I wrote a very straightforward and reasonable request for the Judge to consider, and have yet to hear back with a YAY or NAY, nor have I received confirmation of travel arrangements.
Yes, I'm pretty much banking on Plan B, and that this Judge isn't going to rule in my favor. That might be their position, and they are entitled to it. In some cases, I might not always disagree with them; except this is mine, and I would. No Judge knows me, or my story about this entire case. I find it to be fascinating that the unfounded, unjustified, and might I add unlawful actions of Eric William Swanson seem to be overlooked. His withholding of Summer 2008 visitation without cause, was a willful violation of the standing Child Custody Agreement. Someone said that's a.k.a. "Contempt of Court", but apparently not in Alaska Courts? Perhaps some court orders implementation can vary, depending on the state in which they are written? Creating paperwork after the fact in an attempt to justify and cover his own bad behavior is remarkable, and shouldn't be allowed as justification for his unlawful actions.
And even the most jaded person would have to review that September 19, 2008 letter from Mr. Paul H. Grant, as a SAY WHAT? Whatever happened to: Innocent. Until Proven Guilty? I do agree that the Court has, and should have, the Authority to act in The Best Interest of A Child. And they did, when the signed the original Child Custody Agreement back in October of 2006. The snowstorm of paperwork and Affidavits which Mr. Grant and party have flung into the file since October of 2008 are simply generated to backtrack and cover the rear ends of many. Name calling and labeling of me seems to be the arranged attack, and I'm amazed that it has been considered as "evidence". Many of us know firsthand of instances of parents who should not be in charge of taking care of children, even if they were their own. That is not the situation here, both Eric and I have been and are fully capable of taking care of our daughter, although I do now question his ability to do so after so much suspicious behavior and so many negative statements about me that he has made.
Regardless of what comes out in these proceedings, and whatever words others might utter about me; my daughters didn't raise themselves, nor were they in the Gifted program from Kindergarten forward, because I or their Fathers were sitting down on the job. It takes both parents to fail a child, or to show them the way to advance.
After all this public badmouthing of me by so many that I know, or do not, I am able to say that; from what I have read so far, at least none of them have fired off the "Abusive Mother" gun. Which would be such a gross lie, that even they couldn't justify, nor cover it. Although what many have written is borderline close to making that accusation. I'm fascinated by this entire process, and my newest project shall be having a review of other Child Custody cases which took place in Juneau, I know much information is available online, but I'll have to probably request to browse through the actual files when I am there in March. I grew up in Juneau / Douglas, and it will be an interesting study to see how the cases of other parents and children I know moved through the system. The things which people who live in the same community write about each other either in support or against one parent vs. the other, should be especially informative.
December 12, 2008. Added new section "HOWL! HOWL! READ ALL ABOUT IT..." section, with the latest submittal by Mr. Paul H. Grant to have much of the content of my website removed from the internet. I'm sending an email to the Alaska ACLU to update them. Still waiting for the reply from the Postal Service about Mr. Grant's September 19, 2008 letter to me.
Added my older self portrait under a clickable link in "Have Your Say!..." as some couldn't locate it elsewhere in the site. March 13, 2009 at 9:00 AM is the next scheduled hearing, for a full day. Waiting for a reply from Elaine Schroeder to my letter of December 8, 2008. I'll post my Dec. 8 letter to her on Monday, to give her time to receive and read it. Filed a Motion for Expedited Review for Christmas Break 2008, via fax, and will post it next week, to give time for Mr. Grant and Party to reply, and for the Judge to see it. I haven't a clue if folks have to step it up on replying when the word Expedited is used, but Christmas is coming, and I've already been rooked out of my entire Summer 2008 visitation.
December 9, 2008. Added new material under "How's That Again?..." section. The headline "Whistleblowers Sent to Mental Ward", caught my eye. How coincidental that the written words of Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney At Law, and Dr. Elaine Schroeder, LCSW, both have labeled me as "mentally ill", and I've never met nor spoken with either of them! I might not be considered an actual Whistleblower, but my questions have certainly raised many issues which others don't want to discuss. If people such as Mr. Grant and Dr. Schroeder can make false statements about the state of my mental health; imagine what their professional opinions could have done to those less skilled in refuting their words. And from dusty old rumors and stories I recalling hearing when I was a child, China and Russia were not the only countries using the Nutter Card to silence those who asked too many questions, or didn't cooperate. Anyone else hear rumors like that circulating in the Big Berg, back in the 1960's and 1970's?
December 8, 2008. Added my notes under "Order for Evidentiary Hearing..." which was held this AM. Working on the forms for the Child Custody Investigator, and I believe that those forms are Confidential when completed, so I won't be posting them. If anyone wants to write a brief and positive note on my behalf, and submit it to Child Custody Investigator to review and include; please do. I won't name the Investigator, so address to: Child Custody Investigator, Swanson vs. Rose Case I-JU-06-941 CI, Alaska Court System, P.O. Box 114100, Juneau, AK 99811
December 7, 2008. Added New Section "How's That Again?" which I will add content to after the Status Hearing of December 8, 2008. Have added to "Affidavit of Anna Kathryn Sanders..." but not completed my comments, and am preparing paperwork for requesting the US Postal Inspector to review that stunning letter of September 19, 2008 which Mr. Paul H. Grant sent to me via the United States Postal Service. See section "Eric's Legal Beagle Wears an MD Tag."
The tone and wording of his letter may be considered "threatening", "hostile", or some form of blackmail; by his stating that I had to agree to some of his and Eric's stated demands, before I would be able to have physical access to my daughter, Claire. I think the Postal Officials will agree that his letter is objectionable, even if no prosecutable crime was committed for them to investigate. And if Mr. Grant didn't break any laws, or Postal Service rules; no problem. More people will know his name, and mine also. Given the lack of cooperation from several state agencies on a variety of matters covered in this website, and the behaviors and words of Licensed Alaskan Professionals which they have written about me; any possible Federal investigations are looking to be my best avenue for getting some answers, and the fairest shake.
I'll be adding my newest email under "Requests to Officials and Agencies" later today. I emailed the current (according to the state website) Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Public Safety, requesting my transcripts and information on the murder of Cindy Elrod. Commissioner Masters has not replied, and based on the patterns of others in the Big Berg government, I don't expect that he will.
December 5, 2008. On Dec. 4, 2008, I mailed a request to the Alaska Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, asking them to be aware of and investigate the reasons as to why Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney At Law, has repeatedly objected to the materials posted on this website, and mailed them copies of his legal documents requesting the Court order me to remove some contents, and dismantle www.frozenfiefdom.com. My filing of a complaint against Mr. Paul Grant might put the AK ACLU in an awkward position, as he is, or was somehow affiliated with that organization, and his name is on their website.
As I read through the pre hearing instructions on the State website
http://www.state.ak.us/courts/shctrial.htm#1, I was pleased to see the statements:
"When things are used to present a case, they are called exhibits. This can be photographs, records such as police reports, medical, bills, appraisals, school report cards, etc. Basically any item that is relevant to the case can be considered as evidence."
"People can only talk about what they know first hand. If you don't have first hand knowledge, it is called "hearsay" which is usually not allowed."
Hhhhmmmmm. Isn't it amazing that Mr. Grant and party have not yet submitted the Official LAPD Missing Persons Report that they claim was filed on me, as evidence? And why hasn't the Judge signed my requested Order that Mr. Grant and party provide a copy of said report?
I have provided recorded Verbal Evidence of the voice of Anna Kathryn Sanders stating on November 10, 2007 that she didn't have "a copy of any report," which Mr. Grant and party has included in presenting to the Court as evidence against me, the partial contents of this website, www.frozenfiefdom.com. The Judge may not have heard the audio file; I'll play it for them if necessary.
Regarding the "hearsay" issue above, it appears to me that many of the statements made by Former Alaska State Trooper Anna Kathryn Sanders in her Affidavit are completely hearsay; never mind the fact that I say they are false, or never happened. She is apparently quoting the words or observations of still unidentified others. Why didn't she use the full legal name of those who statements and observations which she claims were relayed to her? Why didn't Mr. Paul H. Grant have those folks sign an Affidavit making their own statements, instead of passing them through Anna, or others? And the woman referred to as "Jade" by Anna and others, has the actual first name of Jewel. I have chosen to not list Jewel's full legal name; as she and I have never discussed this alleged event. She's probably appreciating staying out of the spotlight.
Statements made by others in their Affidavits may also be hearsay; I'll look for specifics later. Still haven't found Mark Andrew Sanders' Affidavit to review, but the pattern of others suggests his shall also have much hearsay.
December 4, 2008. Corrected typos in "Order for Evidentiary Hearing...", and "I Asked, and Have Yet...." sections. I'll be adding more to the "Affidavit of Anna Kathryn Sanders..." section later today.
December 3, 2008. Added new section "Order for Evidentiary Hearing on December 8, 2008. Still working on "Aff. of Anna Kathryn Sanders..." section. Added to "The Infamous..." section some recent emails.
December 2, 2008. See new section in progress "Affidavit of Anna Kathryn Sanders, Former Alaska State Trooper, and My Older Sister." I received on Dec. 1, 2008 a copy of an Order signed by the Judge, appointing a Child Custody Investigator, and scheduling a short status hearing for December 8, 2008. I'll check into Podcasting of that hearing, as many would like to hear Mr. Grant deliver his statements. Additions will be made throughout the next day or 2, as I have forms to fill out for the Child Custody Investigator, and the FBI has some positions open which I need to apply for prior to the closing date. My writing sample? This Website! Hopefully, they'll be impressed by my thorough and detailed inquires, and attention to details. Those Affidavits posted, and legal documents from Mr. Paul H. Grant, might lower my chances slightly, but only
briefly. The headscratching and "Ah Ha" moments will soon have many back on OT.
November 22, 2008. Corrected a few typos and edited a couple of things in a couple of places.
November 21, 2008. Updated "Who Is, What Is?" section to add Mr. Paul H. Grant to those within my circle of contact. He's the Juneau attorney who objects to LAPD, (which his own Witnesses have repeatedly referred to as having an MP report on me, and other such nonsense) the Press, or other interested parties being present during the TBA Child Custody Agreement hearing. More info. on that under November 1, 2008 below. His last batch of paperwork overuses the word "Fantasy" or a version of it, and he's still pulling on the leash while insisting that no information on of the murder of Cindy Elrod can be addressed. I hadn't planned on doing so, but as he had repeatedly made the point that it shouldn't be; I think many are now exceptionally curious to hear more.
November 19, 2008. See Newest Section "BAAAHHHHRRRROOOOOO!!..."
Veterans Day, 2008. Please make time to thank those who have served, or are currently enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. Read the newest section "Braying, Barking, Whining:...", I'll post more emails under "Emails T / F Eric" later today. A coffee date tonight! My latest ads have appealed to many. I'll be down in Mexico soon, closer to T Day. Who remembers Laetrile Treatments from the 70's? No, I'm going there to photo something. I'll know it when I see it.
November 9, 2008. See my newest poems under "Poems 42 - " section. Other additions and corrections, as I found more typos.
November 5, 2008: corrected the quote from Valerie Rose under "The Beagle Brays" to
"I have never viewed a copy of the missing person's report or the findings of the Tarzana police department myself,..." due to my previous keyboarding errors.
NOVEMBER 4, 2008. Updating"The Beagle Brays" and will be heading to the PO to submit my reply to the Court later this afternoon.
November 2, 2008. I corrected the title and renamed the section "The Beagle Brays", as I had mistakenly titled this section to be the Affidavit of Mr. Paul H. Grant, instead of an Opposition and a Cross Motion. I'm not familiar with legal paperwork, and mistakenly called it an Affidavit, as it has so much personal opinion, speculation, and unflattering words about me which his tone and writing style indicate the words are his thoughts, and the final page is signed by him.
Adding new section "And Brays, And Brays: Mr. Grant's Barking Won't Shut Me Up!" where his submitted court documents are exercising his Right to Freedom of Speech, to try to influence a court to override my Right to exercise Freedom of the Press. I wonder how the American Civil Liberties Union will view this? Technical problems with this site being unable to load have been reported. Could be site traffic related, so try again.
November 1, 2008. See the update under "Email's To / From Gail" section. The paper avalanche continues to flow from the Big Berg. Be sure to read the latest Legal Document entitled "Supplemental Memorandum New Website Postings" under the new section "AND BRAYS." Mr. Grant's statements are remarkable, and indicate that he's fearful of something being brought up. His own witnesses have repeatedly dragged LAPD's name, and that of its Branches, into this case; yet he objects to any LAPD staff being in the courtroom to observe the hearing! That said, now LAPD might be exceptionally curious to hear what my family and others have said about them in relation to this case, and to hear why my family and others wanted me to be listed as a "Missing Person" by LAPD back in 2007. (See the LAPD MP Databank page under "Emails To / From Anna which proves no MP file for my name.) If LAPD hadn't heard my name before today, they'll know who I am now!
Pulling names out of a hat doesn't prove anything, and I'm certain LAPD and I are equally eager to see what sort of Proof my family will have to link my name to their organization, as an official MP.
Nor does Mr. Grant want the Press to be able to attend, and he seems to fear that someone might bring up the still unsolved (as far as I know) Murder of Cindy Elrod.
L.A Times, you might want to send two reporters to cover this one.
I seem to have misplaced the Affidavit of Mark Andrew Sanders, my brother. My initial review was brief, but he also claims that I was an MP, although I don't recall if he gave any actual dates. And has anyone provided an actual "Found" date, and the details? Of course not! Kinda tough to cough that up, when the entire event was invented, for some unspecified reason.
My sister, Gail Margaret Sanders, is conspicuously absent from the Affidavit lineup. It's probably because she has already admitted in August of 2008, in writing, that I was never missing! Read our email series exchanged on August 26-27, 2008, under "Emails To / From Gail" at the top of the first page. Why did it take her so long to tell the truth? Her statement "...and if we all really DID lie about filing a missing persons report on you, can you let it go now!" is rather telling.
I made a few corrections under "Affidavit of Valerie Brittina Rose" section where I had made a few typos.
I also am short of time for preparing the reply to the court for those 13 pages in the Motion Mr. Grant sent and I received on 10 28 2008, so I don't have time to scan and post Anna Kathryn Sanders Affidavit yet. It contain much material which I can prove is false, or incorrect. And as with others, some of the people were mentioned only by first name, and dates when provided, don't match up with what others have provided, and details given as facts were wrong.
Phone calls and emails are referenced, but no details such as dates, to and from whom, or content are provided.
I believe that the court will need full legal names of each person referenced in the Affidavits, so that details can be checked out, verified, disputed, or removed. One cannot pick and choose when to include the full name of an individual when mentioning them in an Affidavit. The use of personal pronouns and first names only don't provide proof of anything, other than incompleteness. And so on.
Happy Halloween! As I take a break from reviewing the Motions and Affidavits and retrieving my backup documentation, I will be adding the Affidavit of Valerie Brittina Rose, my 21 year old daughter (see Emails T/F Valerie.) Her words about me are well written, even when inaccurate, or false.
October 30, 2008. Added the section "From Wedding Bells..." which contains the Affidavit of my former spouse, Eric William Swanson. I'll add the other affidavits, and few brief comments to some of the others submitted later today. Full line item reviews will follow, after I have submitted all my necessary documents to the Court, which is my priority now, Readers.
Overall, I found several inconsistencies, and untrue statements, in the Affidavits; some of which I should be able to easily disprove. And for you Attorneys and legal experts out there, how much of a persons sworn affidavit is allowable, if parts of it are proven to be either misleading, inaccurately or incompletely stated, or false?
If you can't read the Affidavits, you might want to try printing them, the zoom feature in the lower right of each doc. page didn't seem to work well. I'll add clickable links later this week, as I'm off to the Post Office to mail papers back to the court, and scouting up my own proof and verifications.
Added new section "Affidavit of Shannon Marie McCormick..." and am adding "The Beagle Brays..." which will have the affidavit of Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney at Law.
October 29, 2008. I'll be adding more material later today, and I'll be adding clickable links to larger views of the affidavits. Do view the newest section "The Infamous "Sex Toy" Photos, As Submitted by Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney at Law, From Juneau, Alaska." Now on file in the Juneau Court Offices, and listed by him as Exhibit 1 in this case.
October 28, 2008. Arriving back in L.A. late last night, I found a large box from Mr. Paul H. Grant, Atty. How thoughtful of him to include in a tidy white binder what appears to be the entire contents of this website, as an Exhibit filed with the Alaska Court System. I appreciate his submitting this website as evidence, as it saves me oodles of time and copying fees. Also in the box were Affidavits from: Anna Kathryn Sanders, Eric William Swanson, Mark Andrew Sanders, Shannon Marie McCormick, Valerie Brittina Rose, Elaine Schroeder, Ph.D, L.C.S.W, and a full thirteen (13) pages summarizing Mr. Paul H. Grant's opinion of me, this website, and what he considers to be factual information regarding events in my life. It is noteworthy that no affidavit was included from my sister, Gail Margaret Sanders, who visited me in 2007 in L.A., and the emails we have exchanged have provided the most interesting and unusual methods of her claiming have "tuned in" and received details of the alleged "missing person" event on me. She also verbally named an LAPD Officer, but couldn't recall the name or any details when I asked for them months ago. Review Emails T / F Gail and see for yourself why she was omitted from the Affidavit Arena of this Custody Circus. All affidavits will be posted, so you can make your own decisions or ask yourself "How's that again?"
Exhibit 1, contains 2 copies of photographs. One appears to be of me inside my car with a vibe I had purchased and Gail wrapped in a piece of black pantyhose during the decorating process. The other is a photograph of my car decorated with the posters I made for cruising the 101 with Gail, when she popped in unannounced and uninvited. Mr. Grant has not identified the photographer, but I will be pleased to provide full credit to them when they identify themselves. I'll post the pix later today.
The Alaska attorneys that I have phoned or emailed are either unwilling to represent me, or do not return my telephone calls, I continue to represent myself in this matter. Therefore, I will follow my precedence of continuing to post any materials and documents I receive which you might find of interest, Readers. I'm not hiding anything, and we shall all assume that those who signed such Affidavits truly believe in their hearts that their sworn statements are truthful, and would want everyone interested to know their side of the story.
I filed the original "Motion for Justification for Denial of Visitation" with documents signed by me, and then mailed to the Juneau Trial Courts and Mr. Paul H. Grant / Eric William Swanson on October 2, 2008. I had previously chosen to not publish these papers, but may in the near future. It should be noted that my initial issues raised were why Eric did not follow the current terms set out by the current and original Child Custody Agreement regarding visitation, and keeping me informed of her health and well being issues. I'm not sure how this all works, but I'm puzzled as to why most of those questions I asked, and statements I made were either not answered, nor addressed in this avalanche of white paper which emerged from the box early this morning. A continuation of the pattern of folks not answering my direct questions, and now countering with skewed versions of information which has already been addressed, relayed, or answered by me some time ago either in email exchanges, or materials posted on this site. Unbelievable! Can we stick to the original issues, answer the questions, and provide some actual and factual documents?
October 23, 2008. Apparently, Eric's data mining mission is in full swing, and his ammo arsenal is being stocked. Read as, the paperwork is flying and I'll be replying! You know me, Readers. I'll be gathering my rebuttals and whatever is necessary to confirm or discredit their materials after I return from this current road trip. A check with the Alaska Court System has confirmed that hearings are open to the public, and all are welcome to attend the proceedings, Press included!
I'll send Press Releases and post the hearing date and location when it is scheduled. What better reason for a trip to Alaska? LAPD is on my invitation list, only as an observer. Due to tight budgets, I doubt if any of their staff will be able to attend. They are a well known and respected organization, so maybe one or two might slip in just to hear what was shaking in the Big Berg, that put the spotlight on them?
It's been noted that many Juneau IP's visit this site regularly, so seating might be extremely limited. Small towns are full of nosy busybodies, and we all know who each other is, which amps up the interest. Everybody wants to hear Dishy Dirt, as long as it isn't about them. Being the Contrarian that I am, I can't wait to see and hear first hand exactly what Eric and his selected parties have conjured up to put me in a negative light, and are willing to present it to a Judge. Any data can be massaged, any photo can be altered or enhanced. And I'm an exceptional analyst, and poor at detecting alterations to photos, as I'm pretty lousy at digital imaging. It's why I'm a fairly decent photographer, I learned how to photo using film.
Signing off from another day of "Operation Dick Back." Rose Out.
October 21, 2008. As expected, there has been no direct reply to my September 29, 2008 response email by Eric's Legal Beagle, Mr. Paul H. Grant. WOOOOEEEeeeee!! After all that blowhard blather from him, I know that we were all expecting some actual backup statements, quotes from his "sources," documented proof, tantalizing photographs of Paula the Porn Star in a provocative position, and maybe even a good one liner from him. Whaddid we get? Nothing!
Anyone out there make cash on that bet?
From the brief and official court document that I have received to my Motion request, he and Eric are apparently scampering around on a data hunt, like squirrels collecting nuts.
Or, as was stated in the extension document I did receive from him and a copy from the Alaska Court System (paraphrased here by me, as I am unsure as to whether or not I can use the exact wording) he and Eric appear to be rounding up some affidavits, exhibits, and contacting a few folks who were unavailable due to tight personal schedules, to meet the original deadline.
My sister Gail Sanders was recently in Japan, and that could be the witness who's holding up the show on their end. How Psychic was that? And if so, just wait until the court gets a full read on her twist of the tale. You've already had a leg up on that, Readers, by reading her chapter of this story. I'm not certain how any court will react to her "Psychic Hits," or general credibility, after having a thorough review of her emails and backtrackings. The best is for last!
GOSH! I thought he had so much proof, documentation, and other fluff and stuff proving to one and all that his medical diagnosis of me was correct, and backup was right at hand. He must have thought that his September 19, 2008 letter was going to scare me speechless.
AAhhh, yes. Profile that! Another miscalculation by someone who thinks they know something, or someone. Yup.
Shor Nuf. Those of you who thought you knew me might have clued him in that his written words just might send me into highpowered action. Thanks for getting me off the DeadAss Express! That's another term in our historical family vernacular. I snapped right to on filing the papers after his letter arrived.
Additionally, there have been other developments in the legal proceedings which will allow me more time than I anticipated for another Roadshow Tour through beautiful California. I'll be on the road for the next week or so, on a shortened version of my now infamous "Hanging Out the Dirty Laundry Tour" and I've named this quick trip "Operation Dick Back."
I've designed the promo posters and they will be available FREE, include your mailing address and an SASE. If you'd like the promo cards, I have a few left of the original designs which appears at the top of each chapter in this story. Also Free, with SASE, and only 42 cents postage needed! Hurry, before the Postal Service gives themselves another raise.
For those of you in Juneau, I'll hand carry them and I'll have a autograph session at one of the local coffee stops. Email me, and I'll be sure to put you on the list for the actual date, and provide details then.
Still no response from TD AMERITRADE about my account, nor has Anna Kathryn Sanders responded to my email of September 24, 2008 asking for her recap and recount of her claim and sideshow about my "disappearance" and the conversations that she claimed she had about it with my daughters. Does anyone else see a pattern of non responsiveness? How is it possible that so many have the same reaction to my direct questions about their own behaviors and actions? Perhaps Gail can give us all a "Psychic Read" on that situation!
Thanks to everyone for your continued support. I regret that I'm unable to provide more specific details of the legal side of things at this time. I'll hang it all out there in full public view, as soon as decisions are made, and the Judge allows.
October 14, 2008. Added the most recent exchange under "TD AMERITRADE..." as I remain unable to access my account. As expected, no reply has been received from Anna about the September 24, 2008 email that I sent to her, nor has Eric sent the information which I have requested about my TD AMERITRADE Account which he accessed; although it would be a moot point, as they have locked it down, and have elected to not answer my specific questions. Patterns, patterns, patterns! I ask questions about the actions of a full cross section of folks and events, and regardless of the person involved, or the event in question, the answer is the same: None!
And I know some of you are slightly disappointed that
Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney at Law, from Juneau, Alaska, has failed to produce the alleged photos of me with sex toys which he referenced in his letter of September 19, 2008 to me, and I have offered to post. Me too! I wanted to see exactly how and where I was photographed, and learn who the photographer was.
Sounds like he must be keeping said photos for his personal enjoyment? or more likely, no such photos exist, and he was twisting terms and trying to intimidate me?
Owning sex toys isn't a crime; photographing someone without their consent or knowledge when and where they have "a reasonable expectation of privacy" is. Yes, I believe that we can all agree that one's home and bedroom are still covered by the Constitution as "private."
October 4, 2008. It's been a busy and productive week, Readers. Added some new info. and emails under Emails T/F Eric, and I am still waiting for those photos and answers from his attorney. Of course I'll post them upon receipt! I'll be pleased to credit the photographer in full. If no photos of me with sex toys are submitted to me by Mr. Paul H. Grant, we shall all have to assume that he is lying about the existence of said photos. I'm not a Bookie, but lay your money down. Some glitches are being experienced within this site, and I've noticed that either my keyboarding skills need a brushup, or I have more than my share of omissions and errors within my emails.
September 30, 2008. Some visitors to this website have mentioned not being able to view all the pages. Any problems should be correctly soon, let me know at paula@frozenfiefdom.com if you experience any glitches.
I posted my reply email to Mr. Paul H. Grant, Attorney at Law, from Juneau, Alaska, under the "Eric's Legal Beagle..." As he is an example of what Alaska has licensed to offer it's citizens for available legal counsel, you can see why I'm not disappointed that Four out of Four Juneau Attorneys that I requested review my Denial of Visitation case have declined to do so. I found it interesting that none were willingly to offer the name of a colleague who might, either. As the saying goes "Business must be good!" One did charge me $200 to discuss it, and while he did provide some answers and advice, he declined further involvement. I'm saving myself boatloads of cash by doing some inquires on my own, and am filing the papers myself. I have many more emails to add under Emails T/F Eric, as he has recently broken our Property Settlement Agreement, in addition to breaking several line items of our Child Custody Agreement. In my opinion, it's continued Bad Behavior by someone who should know better, and is paying for legal counsel. He doesn't appear to be concerned, and continues to be uncooperative, and has ignored my repeated requests for information.
September 28, 2008. Added my most recent email to Anna, under her section, directly below the Official LAPD website page which clearly lists my name with Zero MP reports on me in their databanks. Eric's attorney, Mr. Paul Grant, is now singing in the "Paula is a Loony Tune" chorus line, and he has also stated that there was an MP report filed on me by Anna and others when I apparently "...dropped out of contact for a lengthy period of time." Again, can I get some dates for that alleged time period? And how 'bout a copy of that MP report? Officers' name(s)? Location? "Found" date, and details on that?
Lemme help you out here: Gail said LAX, LAPD, and "other branches" were on my
"case," Anna said "somewhere in California, wherever you were living at that time (but never specified what time that was,) Shannon and Valerie both said Tarzana PD, which is actually named West Valley Community (in the LAPD area) and Eric said Anna showed him a copy of a written MP report on me in his office in Juneau, Alaska. Shannon also stated that Beth was with Anna during some phone or in person filing with police. That's a whole buncha folks with a slightly different version of the same big lie. I'd like to hear their reasons for making it up too, Readers. As the saying goes "It'll all come out in court."
September 26, 2008. Received a letter from Eric's attorney, Mr. Paul H. Grant of Juneau, AK. This you won't want to miss, Readers! It's posted under the new chapter "Eric's Legal Beagle has an MD Tag."
September 24, 2008. Added the most recent email exchange under the new section "TD Ameritrade ..." which I will fill in with more detailed emails and exchanges sometime tomorrow. Check out my most recent ad on Craigslist for POEM Number 44 "A Singing Tree" which has entertained and amused many, the responders have been an interesting mix.
Have recently emailed Valerie and Eric about various topics, and actions done by each of them, which neither have replied to. No surprise there, as the questions I asked were direct and to the point; however, both of them would find it difficult to provide a reasonable answer. I'll post them later this week, if I don't receive the requested replies. Patterns, patterns, patterns! I see by the inbox that you're also aware of that, Readers. The International traffic has stepped up recently to this site, in addition to the widespread interest in the USA. Much interest from Juneau, and other communities throughout Alaska. History is shaking! and in the making... Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
September 13, 2008. A few additions here and there, and my comments on public forums have been well received. This site has received an extraordinary amount of traffic, and many are stunned at the thoroughness of material, and the level of objectivity I have presented. I remain open to receiving comments or complaints from any person who I have mentioned in this site, and am willing to publish your rebuttal or any points which you wish to refute.
September 4, 2008. Added a new section Poems 42 -, which have been well received. Added an update to the section "B of A Emails and Merlin Teller Printout" as an article about an ongoing Probe at B of A, refreshed my memory that Merlin and his magical money moves were still active in my old Visa account. The August 7, 2008 printout will be posted on Sept. 5, 2008 under that section. No one seems to be able to explain what accounting method allows for carrying a fully paid balance on a ledger sheet as a Balance Due. Merlin Method?
A separate, but equally puzzling matter, is that B of A couldn't explain how my daughter Valerie, had knowledge of my specific account activity from July or August of 2007 which she said came from the Tarzana PD (read her claim under Emails T/F Valerie.) B of A has stated that they would not release my credit card account activity to any law enforcement without a court order to do so, and none was on file. Valerie claims that "no one knew where I was" and that "the Tarzana PD" was on the horn with banks who hold my credit cards.
Sniff Sniff! I was never "Missing" and Tarzana PD is actually named West Valley Community Police (under LAPD). B of A and I don't usually agree, but on this particular matter; I've moved over to their side. The Police weren't looking for me, nor were they having a browse in my banking matters. So that leaves Valerie looking like a liar, who happens to be a party in a crime named Fraud. Of course, if she'd like to respond to the numerous emails I've asked her about this event, there is still an open opportunity for her to do so. Let's hear it!
September 3, 2008. Added the LAPD web page under Emails T/F Anna, (she is my sister, who is a Former Alaska State Trooper, who claims to have filed an MP report on me in the summer of 2007.) Gail, my other sister, has also repeatedly, and relentlessly, mentioned Los Angeles area Police as covering my "case." Read all of her claims under Emails T/F Gail. I'll take the Official LAPD site as proof enough for me that I, Paula Marie Rose, was never an "MP" at any time. It also proves that she, and many others, are lying about me.
When numerous folks across the USA from coast to coast experience the same False event collectively, and continuously, for a length of time; is that called a Mirage? Alternate Reality for a selected few? Or a case of collective Collusion?
August 18, 2008. As expected, the Child Custody and Visitation issue between Eric and me regarding our daughter, Claire, has now become a legal matter. I'm certain that many saw me at LAX yesterday afternoon at the baggage claim area, arriving and leaving alone. I'll post some information as it works through the legal system, but it may be much more limited than my usual full disclosure to you, Readers. I'm sure most of you will understand. Feel free to email me individually with your questions or comments, in the meantime.
August 17, 2008. Finally received an email from Eric. Much of the content I won't publish now, as it relates to our daughter, Claire. I can say that he made many statements which I strongly disagreed with. Let's all review these following words of his:
"I have not responded to your e-mails since April because you have posted my, and others’, e-mails on the web without our approval. That is a complete breach of trust. Your bizarre behavior, e-mails, and web site have caused your family, friends, and me to become concerned about your mental health and stability."
A. I see that Eric, and apparently others, are still on the "get some help" bandwagon. It's a catchy, but overplayed tune, and inappropriate. And I'm still waiting for his written accounting of what might have caused his concern for my mental health, and when he first had such a passing thought. Facts, dates, times, etc. on this topic would be well received by me. And how 'bout producing a copy of that alleged MP report on me, for starters? That'd give us all something to ponder, and some actual dates for me to match with my credit card receipts. "Visa. We know where you are, even if you don't." Probably won't see that line on their next ad campaign, but it's truth in advertising. No person can be "lost" or "missing" in today's high tech world, when using Fantastic Plastic. The interest is accruing before the purchase is completed!
B. I don't need his or anyone's approval to post my email collection on the web.
C. "...complete breach of trust." Run that by me again, please. Trust in whom? Did someone promise him that his and others' correspondence was never to be revealed? I find that being completely open and transparent has been amazingly effective. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about any of my written or spoken statements on the web, and I am fully willing to back them up. Apparently, he is uncomfortable with his words being in public view. Based on the unfounded, and unflattering words he has said about me, I can see why he feels a bit disturbed by them being on the web for the entire world to read.
August 14, 2008. Added some information under several sections, including "So, Whadda We Got Here?"(which I will add to as I have time), Emails T/F Anna, Emails T/F Valerie, and other areas of the site. It has been notable that my most recent emails to my Mother have not been answered, but due to the specific content and the questions I asked; I am not surprised. I'll post them at some point, depending on how the inquires proceed. Thanks for the continued support, Readers! It's working.
August 13, 2008. Corrected a few terms below, as I realized that I had previously, and incorrectly stated that Former ADPS Commissioner Monegan was fired by Governor Palin. It was pointed out by a commenter on the Alaska Daily News website that the former commissioner was offered a position with the Alcohol Beverage Control, as Governor Palin exercised her right to shift staff around. According to the media, he declined the offer, and is not warming either chair.
August 6, 2008. Added a recent email exchange under Emails T/F Dad. His response was in line with what I expected, but I believe most would agree that a "Say What?" response would have been much more in line with what a truly loving Father would have written. Added a more detailed description of Douglas, Alaska under the Who Is, What Is? Section. Some weren't able to get the full view of what life was like there, back in the 70's and before; so I added enough for anyone to get a general idea. Adding material piecemeal today to "So, Whadda We Go Here?" section.
August 5, 2008. Technical difficulties and glitches, will add the new material ASAP.
August 2, 2008. Adding a new section "So, Whadda We Got Here?" as many readers have suggested that the current layout of the story makes it difficult to navigate and get the Big Picture. I like brevity and clarity, so I'll provide a recap of the people and events. Obviously, the events happening back in the early 60's and 70's would be best answered by my parents and others who were adults at that time. To date, they have chosen to not answer my questions about specific activities. Currently experiencing technical difficulties with this site; I'll add more content under the new section later today, hopefully.
July 30, 2008. A clink in the link! Senator Stevens has been indicted on a few items, which may be why he didn't have time to email a reply to me. According to the news, Don Young is also busy answering questions about his own activities. None of the publicized activities they are being investigated for were related to what my story is about, but there is never a shortage of wrongdoing. Added one of the more recent emails to Eric, and a few comments directly above it in the section Emails T/F Eric.
July 27, 2008. Added my email to Alaska Congressman Don Young under the Emails to Officials and Agencies section. He might have gone fishing also, but even a lowly staffer could have sent a generic reply. Such an across the board silence sounds to me rather like a scream in a cave. "Many were heard, across the Big Berg." There are several who know exactly what that rhyming sentence is referring to.
July 22, 2008. My email to Alaska Senator Ted Stevens is now published under the Emails to Officials and Agencies section. The print advertising has been extremely successful. The L.A. TImes readers are an intelligent group of folks, and the buzz is amped to a jet engine decibel level.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin apparently dismissed Alaska Pubic Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan from that position, and offered him another position elsewhere, as of July 11, 2008, according to the Alaska Daily News, with the expected circus sideshow as to what is the true reason he was dismissed, currently in full swing. Commissioners serve at the pleasure of the Governor; it's no State Secret that she has the option to appoint and dismiss staff at her sole discretion. I've added an Update comment to the section Requests to Officials and Agencies, and will be adding my email to Senator Ted Stevens later this evening, if no response is received from his office. I realize that the summer fishing season is at peak, but I believe that my questions and inquires are important and that someone should be composing a reply. It's the across the board lack of response from so many unrelated people and agencies that don't add up.
July 18, 2008. Have a look at my current print advertisement. Press releases tend to get lost in the shuffle, except for the internationals.
Free! Frozen Fiefdom, A True Mystery
From Alaska, Los Angeles, and to DC. Crimes, cover ups, corruption; featuring The Big Tree and me. The Dirt I carry isn't mine. I've paid a price, Somebody else will do the time.
Buying space in major newspapers is breathtakingly expensive, and worth every damn dime. Some are unable to draw a breath, due to the actions of Others, and I appear to be their spokesperson. As a line I wrote in a poem to the Leaf named Matt many months ago during one of our first exchanges: "Others are dead, and cannot speak. For them I write, no fame do we seek."
The newest section Requests to Officials and Agencies has produced some positive results. Additional contacts and requests remain on hold for now, as cooperation and coordination appears to be revived. I'll be back on the streets of L.A. later today; the one on one visual contact and verbal exchanges with passersby appears to be much more effective than I originally thought. Thanks to everyone for your continued support!
July 16, 2008. Back from a successful trip to DC, and a cross country "Hanging Out the Dirty Laundry" tour. Added a new section "Requests to Officials and Agencies" and will review and consider adding emails to and from other agencies later today. There's no lack of material; I do want to be certain that all parties and agencies have time to review and reflect before I post them. Clearly, the man at the top isn't always the top man.
July 3, 2008. I am in DC, to do a little shaking of The Big Tree. So far, it's a safe bet that all eyes are on me! See y'all on the Mall.
June 13, 2008. Added the most recent email T / F Gail under her section. As mentioned in that email, I will be on The National Mall in Washington, DC for the 4th of July, and will be spending a few days on either end of that holiday in the general vicinity. Of course, I'll be on Dolly Madison Blvd. at some point during my DC visit, and I am confident that the CIA will be on notice for my arrival, this time. Black coffee and oatmeal cookies should hold us over nicely during our mutually beneficial information exchange. Cooperation and coordination of positive actions appears to be in full swing, by many. The trend should continue, and Law Enforcement is on OT. That is as much information as I can publicly share at this time, Readers.
June 10, 2008. Gail sent me an email entitled "Never a last name." I'll include it under her section, with my reply. Why would she make such a statement? One's relatives are designated by birth, and there's no getting around that. Inquiring minds have requested that I include the last names of those listed under the Who Is, What Is? section. Obviously, "The Law" and those who appear to be "Above The Law" are already aware of who's who. It will eliminate much time and effort for the Press and other interested parties. After some consideration, I have decided to post the last names of those who I personally know, and when I know the name used is their legal name. I will not provide their email address or telephone numbers, although legally, I can. Shouldn't be an issue for any of them, if they aren't hiding anything. The written and verbal material I have listed on this site is directly from them, or was addressed to them by me. It's not a State Secret to whom I am related, or those I have known. Apparently, some technical failures are being experienced with this site, and my personal email box. Not surprising, as the levels of interest and investigations are soaring. Added my most recent email to Eric under his section. I'll be back on the streets of L.A. later today; it's refreshing to see such continued interest.
June 7, 2008. Added a new email I sent to Mom yesterday at the bottom of her Emails T / F Mom section asking for some old medical information. Also added an June 7, 2008 Updated paragraph near the bottom of her section to provide the reader a few more details as to the whys of that request. An article on TB refreshed my memory on some medical questions asked during the June 2007 interview. I've reconsidered, and had a date with Lou again last night. He still doesn't ask the right questions, and we both have indirectly understood that he won't, so he remains in the "Leaf" pile. But we get on like a house afire, and if an agency is using him to their advantage; I'll enjoy the ride. Attn: HQ. Be sure to up the limit on his Agency Issued Credit Card!! We both enjoy nice things, and places; you bet your sweet one that "Nobody" can cough up. I've heard the budgets are unlimited, when the Mission is 'hovering and covering' me. He's very thoughtful, and roMANtic.
June 6, 2008. Received a reply from the office of Ms. Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska. At this time; I am purposely withholding specifics of that and other information exchanges, as with a few other agencies, to best assist with investigations. I appreciate seeing that some level of professional integrity may still exist by those holding public office, and those working in publicly funded organizations.
June 5, 2008. Added new section "An Unsolved Murder?" It's been approximately 25 years since a former roommate of mine was murdered. Now might be an ideal time for the Press to have another look into her murder; while browsing and sifting through all the other material, and crimes. I have emailed the Alaska Dept. of Public Safety, and expect some sort of reply should be received in the very near future.
June 4, 2008. Experiencing technical difficulties with this site. Have requested information on a specific topic from an organization whose answer will be posted on this site; along with my original email to them. Sent another email to Eric which he probably won't answer, but might surprise us all with one. I'll add it later, when the site is working better. Should be back on the streets of L.A. by 3:00 pm today.
June 3, 2008. Emailed Bloomberg.com requesting permission to post a photo of Mr. Kenneth Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, which was featured in a news article on their site back in April. His facial expression is unforgettable; even someone who is not skilled in reading body language or physiognomy will recognize this look when they see it! Added my current display ad under The Dirty Lowdown. Jeepers! Good thing that the press is showing interest and I won't have to purchase much. Worth every dime, however. Still not a peep from either Eric or Valerie about my numerous requests for information about the alleged plot for the kidnapping of Claire, and the specifics as to who requested, relayed, and received the information on my B of A Visa account in July or August of 2007. I see by the inbox that I'm not the only one who views their lack of response as suspicious. I'll be out on the streets of L.A. later today with my posters and promo cards.
Read Poem #41 A Large and Shady Tree that I wrote and is currently posted on Craigslist
The responses have been interesting, with a few recycles thrown in. I enjoyed dating Lou a few times, but there's no reason to date a man who isn't interested enough in me to take the time to read through my site, and the few slipups during our first date rounded out my overall impression of him. More "bycatch" to toss back, and I'm not The Woman for most men.
June 1, 2008. 2:00 PM Thanks to my Webmaster and Yahoo, the paularoseimages.com site is back online.
May 31, 2008. Added my most recent email to Eric; he continues to choose to ignore my emails, and technically is verging on being out of compliance with our court ordered visitation schedule of Claire. He isn't being cooperative on making arrangements for her and I to be together; either in Juneau, or in L.A. HHHHmmmmm. Perhaps he'll have a bit more to say after Governor Palin finishes her review of this website. I expect that she will have quite a few questions for him. Some PMR PR activities, a.k.a. "L.A. Style Shameless Self Promotion" are scheduled for later today, and I'll be back on the street with the promo cards, and my parade wave for the cameras. It's great to have so much support. Thanks!
Added the most recent email exchange with Gail under her section. My poetic little ending must have knocked her into a flashback of silence. "Get your coats on!" would have also sent her on a trip down memory lane.
May 30, 2008. Added a new section The Dirty Lowdown, for those who don't have time to read through the entire site. Sent an email today to the Governor of Alaska, Ms. Palin, through the form provided on her official website. We shall all be interested to see what her level of interest or concern will be, and any follow up actions that she may initiate.
May 21, 2008. Added a couple of recent exchanges in the Emails To From "Leaves" section under Jack/Kent and Lou. L.A. Women, these are 2 guys that you want to meet! There is something about both of them that I like, that others didn't have. This site is humming with hit activity! From Alaska (J town is especially well represented) to the Florida Keys, and what looks like cities overseas! Glad to see that everyone is spending time downloading and enjoying the book. Hello, Virgina! Nice to see you, DC!! Thanks for the feedback, and your continued support, Readers!!
May 20, 2008. Added new section entitled Have Your Say! with my 3 main email addresses, and my comments. Feedback welcome! So far, so good! Keep it coming. Completed the Poems 31 - 40 section. Be the first to view the new site promo cards; I'll be handing them out and signing autographs during the "Round 'Em Up!" tour. The Day of Reckoning is near! Details will follow in the media, as word gets round; check your local fishwrapper, or major news network. Click here, and here. Revised Emails and Photos to Round Robin section, with a few additional comments.
May 19, 2009. Added today's email exchange to Eric under his section. More poems under 31-40.
May 18, 2008. Added a summary of the phone conversation with Antoniette at B of A under that section, in Large Print so it's easier to find. Adding Poems.
May 17, 2008. Received and added the reply from Dale under his section. Went to the Agoura Hills branch of B of A to do some transactions and requested an email address for someone who could answer my questions. Hilda was helpful in connecting me via telephone with a Cust. Ser. Rep. Antoniette at the Priority Credit Card Services, and getting some answers.
May 16, 2008. Added what appears to be Gail's "Final Answer" as to her producing any LAPD or other Officer's name, or other backup to her claims that I was an MP at some point in July or August of 2007, and "Found" by them. Waiting for responses from Bank of America, Valerie, and Eric. Added a new section Emails To / From Dale.
May 15, 2008. Added a few more emails from August and September 2007 under Emails To From Beth. Adding Poems under 11-39, Added to B of A Emails (in White, with today's date,) Sent yet another email to Eric and Valerie (listed under their Emails To / From sections) about the Kidnapping and banking information. It's clear to me that they have no backup or details to substantiate their verbal statements, and accusations. I do know that from the verbal conversation at Christmas that Valerie and I had about my Visa card inquiry in the summer of 2007 (she said July), and the car rental information that she provided at that time, someone had indeed been asking, and receiving information of my Visa card activity issued through (You guessed it!) Bank of America. I'll send them an email today for their side of the particulars. I did rent a car once or twice during 2007; I know exactly where, why, and still have the copies of the contracts somewhere. I even have a photo of the rental car Valerie specified the color (close, by not exactly of) at Christmas, during the time (but no one has yet specified the dates to me) that I was allegedly "Missing." And there was nothing subtle about that rented ride!! People could see me coming, who weren't looking for me. I'll post more details about that, and a photo of the vehicle, once she collects her facts and responds. Added todays email exchange that Gail and I had, under her Emails section.
May 14, 2008. Added today's email from Gail, New addition to Rob under Emails from Leaves, Adding Poems in 11-39 section, waiting for email replies from Eric, Valerie, from last week.
May 13, 2008. Added today's 2 email under Gail's section, placed below Backtrack # 1 and #2, as those take top position in proving her lack of credibility. Addition near the top of Explanation, Please.
May 12, 2008. Added a couple of emails from Mark under his section, they are at the bottom of that page, added today's email exchange to Gail under her section; she just can't seem to keep her facts or accusations straight. Added to Emails to Shannon, near the bottom, and a few additions to Poems 11-39.
May 11, 2008. I forgot what few changes I made. Had another stargazing date with Lou and we will probably date each other, but not exclusively. My daughter Claire sent a Mothers Day email wish, I haven't heard from Valerie as yet; nor from Eric regarding the emails I sent them Friday. Second date tonight with a man I met for coffee earlier this week.
May 10, 2008. No stars last night in L.A! But Lou and I had a nice platonic visit for hours in my car waiting for the clouds to move off. I mentioned a few specific unusual events and asked him his opinion; he replied with a lack of overall interest, and didn't ask the right follow up questions. You bet, the kind of statements and questions I had asked him; most would react with "Say WHAT?" Sniff Sniff...
May 9, 2008. Had a date with a responder to "A Burning Tree" yesterday; given his background, he might have been a "leaf" but didn't exhibit a few of the traits most have. Having a stargazing date with Lou (date #3, and Tom's fans know The Rule!) Still not a word from either Valerie or Eric about the kidnapping and bankcard inquiries. I sent yet another email to both of them today, repeating the information request for the same information. HHHmmmmmm. I'll add more poems under the 11-39 Section later today. Don't miss the new additions in the Emails T/F Gail dated May 8 and May 9, 2008 in Black and Blue text.
May 8, 2008. Still having tech. difficulties with Yahoo hosting. I emailed both Eric and Valerie again today requesting that they answer the questions about the alleged "Kidnapping" scenario Valerie mentioned at Christmas, and the inquiry into my Visa card accounts in summer of 2007.
May 7, 2008. This site is experiencing tech. difficulties, and periodic interruptions by Yahoo maintenance. Added some new material in Emails T/F Shannon. No reply as yet from Valerie or Eric as to the most recent questions I emailed.
May 6, 2008. Made a change in Disclaimer section to clarify date I first mentioned the June 2007 "interview," added new information under Email T/F Eric, added new section Poems 11-39 more poems to follow, adding more emails under Emails T/F Shannon.
May 5, 2008. Added to Explanation, Please. Addition to Emails T/F Valerie.
May 4, 2008. Additions to Alaska Mystery section, a few edits, added 2 photos of Gail and the men who she said were part of a film crew under Disclaimer and Mission, added new material to Emails T/F Leaves, added to The Tree Series section. Date with Lou last night went well, but a 3rd might not happen; posted another Ad on Craigs "A Burning Tree."
May 3, 2008. Added new material in "Leaves" including emails from some of them, added content in the Alaska Mystery section, probably a few misc. things here and there throughout.
May 2, 2008. More added in "Leaves," added 4 pages under Joe; a few poems. Added section Area 51. Have another date with Lou at Peet's in Tarzana at 7:00 PM Saturday. See you there!
May 1, 2008. A few additions in "leaves," should have more poems and emails scanned and added tomorrow.
April 29 and April 30, 2008. More content in Emails To / From Mom, International Interests, "Leaves", Who Is What is, and I'll be scanning and adding some poems and emails later today throughout the entire story. What a project this has been! But I didn't plan on this; my life morphed into such an incredible story, and finding all the bits and pieces has been much work.
April 28, 2008. Added content in Emails To / From Mom, International Interests, and for those of you who care; my date the other night was pleasant and there will not be a second. No problem! The dating pool of L.A. men has plenty to choose from; I have another lined up for tomorrow AND he's 38. Wooo Hooo! Score one for this FOB of 44.
April 27, 2008. Added text in Emails to Shannon, The Tree Series, International Interests, Contact me, some other editing here and there.
April 26, 2008. Added another in B of A email, Added International Interests section, loaded up a few more Tree Series Poems, added to a few paragraphs in Disclaimer and Mission Statement.
April 25, 2008. Added Explanation, Please section. Misc. additions in Daily Items, Disclaimer section has additions, a few additions of Tree Poems; slight additions in Emails to Beth, Emails to CIA , and some others that I can't recall.
April 24, 2008. I have added the audio clip in which Anna and Eric can both be heard proclaiming that I am "unwell." Located under each of their Emails To / From sections, and the Disclaimers section. Added: Emails To / From Mom, and Email to Presidential Candidate 2008, Senator Mike Gravel. Some other minor revisions.
April 22 and April 23, 2008. Merlin Teller Printouts added, added the Aug. 6, 2007 note from Anna, misc. corrections and editing.
April 21, 2008. Additions to B of A Emails, Who Is, What Is?, Dedicated to the US Veterans, Daily Items Section, and misc. here and there corrections.
April 20, 2008. Some new material in Emails To / From Dad; Emails To / From Anna, Who Is, What is?, additions to some paragraphs of the Daily Items section.
For the Record: Many months ago, I filled out the online employment application for the CIA through their website I have submitted an email request for a status update, but they appear to be a bit understaffed with the response team. According to their website, they receive thousands of applications every month. Or, it could be that I'm not qualified for any positions that were open.
A few other requests for information, and some specific questions I asked the CIA , did not receive a response. It appears to be a one way email system over there. The Entertainment Rep. did send a reply, but he suggested that I fill out an FOIA form, and provided the link. (Click here to read that email.)
I have also put my name and employment information in the Big Fed Database, and have, or will have, applied to other 3 lettered agencies from time to time, when I see something of interest on their publicly available job websites.
I'm busy solving a big mystery, and I think at least one Agency should be more than curious as to "What in the Sam Hill is going on here?"
On the other hand, if it is indeed some Fed agency churning out all this action; another might be somehow "encouraged"
to take a step back. The equivalent of turf wars and power struggles do seem to be shaking in The Big Tree; waving branches, falling leaves, poking sticks, with some acorns rolling across the firmly packed dirt. Fair play and ground rules appeared to be non existent; so I decided to open the game to all prospective players, and invited everyone to join. (Click here for Poem # 2 Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress.)
If "Somebody" doesn't figure out what "Nobody" was up to: Then I'm completely screwed, and not just "Dicked." But that doesn't sound right, does it? If there was, and is, wrongdoing and cover ups happening; isn't investigating them and those involved in such activities, what their Mission and Purpose is all about?
Why would I be "paranoid", according to my brother Mark, that "government agents" are watching me?
Hell, I'm trying to get hired on! Please do focus on my Resume, and how about examining everyone in my tribe while you're running my background check? Sniff Sniff, I smell Dead Fish! and they all know what that means!
As I'm known for saying: "On the List? Get on the Payroll." Thought it might be a whiz bang idea to take my own advice; it could be interesting work, and I want the bennies package. Seems rather silly to be doing all this work without compensation, and I need to expand my team of one.
I believe that I excel at digging through dirt, sifting through sewage, and connecting the dots. Hey!! Maybe I'm Overqualified, and "Nobody" doesn't want me to be turning over the boulders and bergs; perhaps they don't have enough staff to handle any discoveries? I type well (or at least when my keyboard is working properly), make a great pot of coffee, and know that File 13 is better than a black marker, but not as good as a burn barrel, and who needs a paper shredder? In decent shape for an FOB of 44, and while I might not stop traffic (see Tree Poem # 31 "A Shapeshifting Tree"); I like my reflection in the mirror, especially in a dress and heels. My wardrobe has at least a dozen dresses in Basic Black; so I can fit in anywhere, anytime. Like Barbie, I have an amazing ability to accessorize. Unlike Barbie; GOD gave me a great brain, and not a great rack. That's fine; I found a fabulously fitting bra with enough shaping material to float 16 Cubans on a rickety raft, safely through a hurricane.
April 19, 2008
Looks like it's time for another trip to DC! Somebody there might be keenly interested in having a looksee into all this mystery about who I am, and where I'm from. And it's time for me to pop into the Copyright Office and see how my submissions from December are coming along in the system, and drop off more for registration.
I spent last night and most of today with the man (of the SAE, see Who Is, What Is for the acronym explanation) who seems to know much about me, before I tell him. We've gotten together a few times for "dinner and a do," but last night was dinner only. He wasn't feeling up to the "do" part, but I stayed over anyway.
I mentioned my progress on my book, but didn't give him the website name. He stated that my family would be interested in my book (this one) and in collecting royalties, and suggested that I might want to get it copyrighted soon. I was a bit put off by his tone; given his affiliation, and knowledge base. And there won't be any royalties, because I'm publishing this online for free.
Yeah, the one who knew about the "limited landscaping" segment of the June 2007 interview,
and told me about it when we met for the first
time in December 2007; 6 months later and approximately 2,000 miles away!! How Psychic
is That? And somehow he receives information "through the matrix" about many other tidbits of my daily activities since I've returned to L.A.
Holy Christ!!! Could this be The Breakthough that researchers and believers are looking for in the world of the Paranormal??? Are he and Gail proof that Psychic Abilities are real? Most folks don't know of even one person who can remote view, channel, are
clairvoyant, or have any of these other amazing abilities. And I appear to have two psychics right in my own circle! You got Gypped!!
Where are the Reality TV cams when you want them? He shall remain anonymous, in the interest of "National Security." Although I think it's highly possible, as Glenn Frey sings in 'Smuggler's Blues': "Every name's an alias, in case somebody squeals." (Click for Tree Poem # 13 Gusty Winds Blew Through the Tree.)
The SAE already knows who he is, being some sort of employee of theirs; it would appear. I referred to myself as being his "Non Payroll Bonus" but now I'll bet he might have preferred a two step pay increase. This poem I wrote after our first date. I hadn't planned on a 2nd, and reconsidered after he replied to another ad almost 2 months later. Tree Poem # 11 Hello Tree, Do Speak With Me.)
I'd say we parted company today with less than a positive vibe; you know how you get that feeling that someone just isn't quite on your side? Which I already knew, but wanted to be sure, and was giving him the benefit of the doubt. It's all about agendas, and a few topics were added to, and deleted from, mine.
As my Dad pointed out years ago: Non answers are answers in themselves. As Gail is known for saying: "It was for a Good Time, not a Long Time." As far as any Kiss and Tell; no need to, there isn't much to share. As they say in the Dating World: "It's probably not a match."
Back to Craigslist! It's working well; I have a new date lined up already. We 21st century gals don't let grass grow; just open up the door and drawl seductively..."Next."
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